You will remember the Parish Plan in 2006, which many of you helped us to produce by completing questionnaires or coming along to consultation events held in the Parish Hall.

We hope that you’ve noticed that many of the actions identified in the Action Plan have been acted upon including improvements to the Recreation Ground and Pavilion, improvements and enhancements to Velator Quay, renewable energy feasibility study which resulted in solar PV panels being installed on community buildings, provision of a flood defence scheme and Community Emergency Plan and resurfacing and realignment of the main Caen Street car park and Chaloners Road car park. 

Our Action Plan ran until June 2016 and a new community survey led by the Parish Council has since been carried out to discover the needs, wants and aspirations of the people who live in Braunton, Knowle, Saunton and the surrounding hamlets.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the questionnaire and share their views with us.  Once the information from the questionnaires has been analysed this will help us to update the existing Action Plan.

Parish Plan Poster and QR CODE

Parish Plan 2006 - 2016


An Action Plan for the Parish of Braunton 2006 - 2016

The preparation of a Parish Plan was agreed in January 2005 with funding available through the Community Council of Devon and a Steering Committee was set up to plan the way forward.   It was agreed that the Plan would cover social, economic and environmental issues with the community consulted by means of a questionnaire.  All questionnaires to be analysed and public meetings held throughout the year before the Plan would be finalised and formally adopted.

Braunton's Parish Plan was formally adopted in 2006 and copies are available from the Parish Council Offices.